BOB Dictionary

Active – a BOB who is active in the organization (AKA: pays dues and does service hours). You have to be active to hold a position.

Alum – BOBs who have gone through the Exit Ceremony, usually people who have graduated. These people have to have been in BOB for at least 2 semesters.

Big – your big in BOB is kind of like a parent or a mentor. They are here to teach you the ropes and answer any questions you have, as well as just be a friend to you.

BOB – a full member of BOB!

BOB House – there are many BOB houses, these are houses where BOB members live. THE BOB house is the official house where all the rituals and parties occur.

BOB Prom – Our fall semester Philanthropy event. We sell buttons for charity and they are the ticket in to BOB Prom, which is just a really big party we throw.

Exit – the ceremony where we say goodbye to our exiting sisters. After going through Exit these BOBs become Alum.

Inactive – a BOB who is not currently active (AKA: does not pay dues or do service hours). Inactives can not vote or hold positions.

I-Night – Initiation Night, the ritual where ROBs become BOBs!

Intro Week – Our version of a rush, but instead of us picking you, you choose us! It lasts all week and at the end of the week is Smoker/Cocktail. You can always come and decide it isn’t the group for you, no hard feelings. You also don’t have to come to every day but if you want to join you need to come Friday or message us!

Little – if you have a big in BOB, you are their little.

Mother Hog – our mascot.

PROB – a person who is thinking about joining BOB, “probably” a BOB.

ROB – a person in the process of joining BOB that has not yet been initiated. Short for Robert.

Robert Ceremony – The ritual where PROBs become ROBs!

Sideshow – our spring semester Philanthropy event. Sideshow is basically a charity talent show.

Sisterhood Event – these are closed events for sisters (BOB members) only.

Smoker/Cocktail – the Friday of Intro Week. This is where PROBs choose their potential new bigs.

Social Event – these are open (or plus 1) parties open to the public.